By this time it was mid day in a shipping yard. Which means that we were assembling our bikes in 33 degree weather on tarmac. After many hurdles, we got the bikes mostly together. Starting them up we realized that both derricks and my bike had very weak batteries. After getting the forklift driver to jump start me 4 times, we finally just left and crossed my fingers I wouldnt stall it.
The feeling of leaving the terminal on our bikes, under their own power, was a incredible.
We stopped to get gas and then the guys push started me and we took off to Eduardos connection. This just happened to be a great aunts of his who had an amazing beach house on the shores of Los Cruces. The house was modest and tastefulyl done but the location, the view and the atmostphere was on another level. We all reamized once we took off our gear, that we were all burnt badly and about to be in incredible pain. All of our necks, eduardos calves and my shoulders. Then went for the first meal of the day at a equally amazing restaurant with a huge patio overlooking the adjacent bay. We all crashed until late in the morning.