We made our way through the Casablanca Valley, which is a popular wine destination, and rolled our way into where it all started over 30 days before: Valparaiso. We merely took a ride through town admired all of the wall art which adorned the sides of the beautifully run down buildings. We decided to have lunch in Vina Del Mar, where eduardo had spent a weeks rest being wined and dined by his family in our of the most expensive neighborhoods we have seen. After lunch at the local Gas station, whose patio resembled more of one you see at Earls, we took a walk along the boardwalk with some icecream then napped on the benchs.
We also saw some of the cannons at the armory across the street.
Along the coast we saw everything from the poorest willages to exclusive secured neightborhoods with amazing architecture. One of the beach towns had a walkway along the beach from stones. We stayed in a fishing villages which wasnt the nicest, but we had a small cabin with a kitchen. We made up some pasta and cheese bread and early to bed.
Eager to catch the 3rd member, we did 250km straight with no break up to La Serena where eduardo had stayed 3 nights before and had a quick lunch at the has station.
Once we managed to get moving again, we headed along the coastal road into the fog which creates a very cold and moist feeling in the gear. We camped outside one of the fishing villages up the coast with a gorgeous veiw of the ocean.
Derricks bike taking a rest while we look for camping.