North of Lima

While the two young bucks where sandboarding I was slowly making my way North of Lima. I had my tire changed in a Llanteria by Enllantador and then I was off. Of course I missed a turn-off in the highway and asked a taxi driver who told me to go back to the interchange. Not a problem since in Peru you can pull a U in the freeway. After some heavy traffic and smog, I was off to the races. The road is nice as it alternates between desert and greenery where a river comes down or there is an Oasis. I made it to Casma where I asked a moto taxi to guide me to the hotel. One Sol well spent. I stayed in a nice hotel with a garden, a pool and a good restaurant. Next day I went to the ruins of Sechin where there are some stones with really nice reliefs. From there it was on to Huanchaco. I forgot that the Easter holiday here is Thursday/Friday (not Fri/Mon like in Canada). I never knew there were so may SUVs and buses in Peru. Huanchaco was packed and it is not the fishing village I remember from 1987. It´s more touristy and way cleaner.