The Talca hostel provided us with an amazing breakfast. Finally, a breakfast that provided more than just bread. We met the owner of the hostel that morning - a Austrian fellow who started his career as a chemist but decided to travel then quit to become a trek guide. He has worked in over 50 different countries and hasn't regretted the decision. He now owns this beautiful well established hostel in Talca Chile.
We attempted to head out of town until I lost Colin on one of the turns. I headed back to the Copec we filled up at and waited for awhile. A van pulled up and a man yelled out that Colin was down the street and he would go to tell him where I was. A big thanks to the random Chileans who drive around helping us. We headed out onto Ruta 5 towards Santiago. We stopped off at another Copec in Rancagua to grab a hot dog and ice cream. We finally arrived in Santiago which we knew because of all the smog that had made it seem as the sun was behind a cloud. The city was 31 degrees and traffic was heavy.
We were recommended a hostel called Domingo by a few people we had met along the way in the Barrio Bellavista area. I would recommend this hostel to anyone who is looking for a inexpensive, fun, and clean place. This hostel is actually located where we had walked by a month ago when we were looking for a battery for Colins bike. Took us awhile to navigate through the city of one way streets and crazy taxi drivers but we eventually made it. The streets are line with bars and restaurants. Santiago apparently is known to reward the Patient traveller, those who are willing to find the gems in the city will be amazed. All for now.