Columbia, Cali - Planning the Gap

After a morning of wondering around the plaza and scouting out the best place to enjoy the Columbian brew, we  packed up the bikes and set off for the last stop in South America; Cali.

A short journey into Cali of 130 km, we still enjoyed ourselves with the lush green mountain ranges and the curvy roads that ensued.  The road straightened and became a separated highway and we actually got over 100km/h for the first time in quite a while.  Using the techniques we learned on Ruta 3 in Argentina we tucked behind the small windshields to achieve better mileage.  The pre-determined route we made helped us make our way to the up and coming wealthy neighborhood of Santa Monica.  Found the hostel; Casa Blanca, and made it our home for the evening.

We chose this hostel since they cater to adventure motorcyclists and is shown by the walls in the dining room which are plastered with pictures of riders who have come through.  They do everything from booking tours for those less inclined to booking shipping of bikes over the Derian.  We are going to be using them for the shipping of the bikes over the Derian Gap, and the owner, Mike, is already been a huge help.  Not only getting quotes for shipping but also getting parts we need such as another chain and sprocket set and guiding us to a fabricator to get the crash bars fixed.

After chatting with Mike for a while he was telling us of how two cartel got ´ liquidated ´ a block away in a cafe. Then he shows us a stray bullet which pierced the umbrella situated directly above us.  He then goes on to explain why two guys are not allowed to double on motorcycles; since they had to made drive by shootings.  Columbia is an interesting one; still feeling safe and amazed by the incredible scenery but leaves you wondering what is around the next corner.

To make a long story short, we are going to be making this our home for the next few days until Monday, when the bikes ship off.  We are going to be doing some day tours, fixing the bikes, and most likely reading and relaxing a good portion of the time.

We will keep you all posted on the status of things, but don´t be alarmed if little orange isn't moving on the map.

Also Itinerary updated: