Rode through some beautiful lakes the the sun came out and we stopped at a windy beach to dry the camping stuff.
Then it was a quick ride to Futalefu a beautiful town in the mountains with one of the best river rafting rivers in the world. It was too expensive so we continued on to a small hamlet of Puerto Ramirez through some incredible mountain scenery. In the hamlet we stayed in a house owned by alady who had been there 62 years and arrived from Argentina by horse, a true pioneer.
Heres a picture of the view we had from the Old ladies hostal.
We also had a chance to check on the Japan earthquake, pretty devastating. The coastal towns along Chile were preparing themselves for the Tsunami that was on its way from Japan.
As we head south its getting colder. The weather is becoming more like BC in terms of rain. All of our gear seems to be holding up well against the elements.
PS: In Chile they definitely will not let you starve when you order food at restaurants or hostals. The portions are massive and they let you eat until you cant eat anymore. We thought we were going to lose weight from all the travelling bút the great food and huge portions seem to provide us with the calories to do quiet the opposite of what we thought.
Posted by Eduardo and Derrick